There's more to life than fashion!We lead full and busy lives. In our search for the BEST of the BEST, we've found a heck of a lot more than just fashion. Here are some wonderful things to make our lives better in every way. Work!It doesn't matter if you're a workaholic or a sloth... work is a fact of life for most of us. Check out some of the best sites to find a new job here. Did you know that the number of people who work at home and telecommute is growing every day! If you've ever thought about this option for yourself, then you should check out the links we have put together.
Play!I love to play, to relax, and to just enjoy myself. The links we have gathered include everything from great gifts to give others and great stuff to pamper ourselves. I hope you enjoy this fun stuff as much as I do!
Eat!When it comes to gift giving and pampering myself... nothing beats a little gourmet food. Here are some great places to find wonderful treats!